Bringing office wherever with Cloud PC

One Cloud PC + Many users = Greater productivity + Amazing Cost savings. Let us make it easy for you to access your on-site computers from anywhere, using any device, in just minutes.

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Streaming applications at the next level

Cloud computing solutions that elevate remote work to the next level!

The demand for securely completing actual tasks across various devices globally is increasing rapidly. This demand has prompted significant advancements in cloud computing.

Thanks to virtualization, accessing your office desktops and applications from anywhere, on any device, via a secure network is now feasible.

However, virtualization has evolved into something akin to modern rocket science. Rather than simplifying the process and enhancing productivity, it has become a perplexing ordeal, providing generic virtual desktop solutions that don't cater to individual needs.

A virtual desktop bringing 'all' together in one spot

Introducing, the Azure virtual desktop

So, the Azure virtual desktop gives you this awesome, fully managed desktop virtualization setup up in the cloud.

What's really cool about the Azure virtual desktop is that it's compatible with all your apps and devices, whether you're using Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android.

And get this: with this solution, more than 30 people can hop onto one virtual computer from wherever they are!

But here's the kicker: it's not just about accessing it; they can all work on the same computer at the same time, just like they would with their regular desktop in the office!

Check out how Azure Virtual Desktop revolutionizes remote desktop services

Desktop and remote app support in full swing

Forget just another virtual desktop; with Windows virtual desktop, you're in for the whole desktop experience. Using your Azure virtual desktop feels just like working on a regular computer.

Tailor Azure Virtual Machine to your liking

You call the shots on what apps, windows, and software you want to access, and who on your team gets full or conditional access, etc. Our futuristic virtual desktop resources bring remote desktop services right to your fingertips, accessible from anywhere in the world via the cloud.

Lightning-fast desktops and applications with Multi-user compatibility

Whether on a desktop or a device, the speed and performance of your virtual desktop in the cloud match up to using your native system. Your company's network users can securely access resources from any device, anywhere globally.

Thanks to multi-session and multi-user capabilities, numerous users can operate with various Windows versions simultaneously on a single Azure virtual machine.

Only pay for what your users actually need

With Windows virtual desktop infrastructure, you're billed solely for what you use, saving substantially compared to legacy servers by fully embracing Azure cloud operations.

This service is available with or without a Microsoft 365 package, so you're not forced into acquiring software you don't want or need. Ongoing support is provided by both Microsoft and the About IT team.

“I would still like to say that the solutions that About IT implements are significantly more user-friendly than those I have tested from competitors, mainly CloudBizz with Citrix and the gasworks to connect.

The Microsoft environment is obviously well designed from the start and above all well mastered”

Consultant Airtable - Florian Verdonck
Managed IT Services - About Us.
What you get

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To remind you, we're committed to providing you with…

Get top-notch Microsoft Azure infrastructure tailored for your servers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability
We'll have everything set up and ready to go within just 3 days
Enjoy a straightforward and easy-to-understand monthly invoice
Experience stellar 5-star customer service at last!
Plus, no long-term commitment required
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We're Microsoft Tier 1 Gold Partners!
Azure Virtual Desktop

Free PDF to help you unlock remote work productivity with Azure

Discover the power of flexibility and security with our free guide, "Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop to Enable Your Remote Workforce." Learn how Azure Virtual Desktop's seamless capabilities helps to enhance your remote operations.

Download your free copy today and transform the way your team operates remotely!

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